

Letra da Música

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I spy with my own two eyes
A land soon to meet their demise
Let me give you my piece of mind
I was never on your sideYou've got it all wrong, baby
Pulling the strings on your frail body
You think I'm here to make friends?
Collecting names as trophiesCrushing all your hopes and dreams
Rebuilding with a dream of my own
Don't act surprised, I warned you
No white flags to be seenChaos is my lover
Power is my best friend
You're all my marionettes
I will bring this nation to an endOh, I know how it feels
To be one of the gods
Crafting my steps so cautiously
Killing them softlyWhat is there
That you don't see?
Step down from the throne
Darling, bow to meChaos is my lover
Power is my best friend
You're all my marionettes
I will bring this nation to an endChaos is my lover
Power is my best friend
You're all my marionettes
I will bring this nation to an endStared down the November sky
They yelled a final goodbye
A bloody slash across their flag
A hatchet buried in their grave

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    Música - Marionettes

    Equipe - 16/07/2022

    Marionettes Música de Kanaya.

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