It's unfortunate that we even have to say Black Lives Matter',
I mean, if you go through history nobody ever gave a fuck
I mean, you can kill black people in the street
Nobody goes to jail, nobody goes to prison
But when I say Black Lives Matter and you say All Lives Matter
That's like if I was to say Gay Lives Matter and you say All Lives Matter
If I said Women's Lives Matter and you say All Lives Matter
You're diluting what I'm saying
You're diluting the issue
The issue isn't about everybody
It's about black lives, at the moment
But the truth of the matter is they don't really give a fuck about anybody
If you break this shit all the way down to the low fucking dirty-ass truth
We say that Black Lives Matter
Well truthfully they really never have
No one ever really gave a fuck
Just read your bullshit history books
But honestly it ain't just black
It's yellow, it's brown, it's red
It's anyone who ain't got cash
Poor whites that they call trash
They can't fuck with us
Once they realise we're all on the same side
They can't split us up
And let them prosper off the divide
They can't fuck with us
Once they realise we're all on the same side
They can't split us up
And let them prosper off the divide
Don't fall for the bait and switch
Racism is real, but not it
They fuck whoever can't fight back
But now we gotta change all that
The people have had enough
Right now, it's them against us
This shit is ugly to the core
When it comes to the poor
No lives matter
America's always been
A place that judge my skin
And racism is real as fuck
Ain't no way to play that off
And in the eyes of the law
Black skin has always stood for poor
This is basic shit
They know who they fucking with
They can't fuck with us
Once they realise we're all on the same side
They can't split us up
And let them prosper off the divide
They can't fuck with us
Once they realise we're all on the same side
They can't split us up
And let them prosper off the divide
Don't fall for the bait and switch
Racism is real, but not it
They fuck whoever can't fight back
But now we gotta change all that
The people have had enough
Right now, it's them against us
This shit is ugly to the core
When it comes to the poor
No lives matter
You never see them pulling rich people out of their cars in their neighbourhoods
Because they know they got lawyers
They know they'll sue their ass
They can tell who to fuck with
Unfortunately, black or brown skin has always meant poor
They're profiling you kid
They know you can't fight back
But we about to
Investigators say they are reviewing body camera and dashcam video of Tuesday's shooting
Police say that Keith Lamont Scott did have a gun in his hand when an officer shot him
But a new picture of the scene shows something at Scott's feet
A source tells our Charlotte affiliate it may be a gun
But people in the neighbourhood say the father of four was holding a book instead
Officer Vinson was in plain clothes when the shooting happened
He was not wearing a body worn camera
But we are told that three other officers wore theirs
The department is under increasing pressure to release police videos from the shooting
But the police chief says he will not do that right now because of the investigation
(Listen to me, this shit is deeper than racism)
Don't fall for the bait and switch
Racism is real, but not it
They fuck whoever can't fight back
But now we gotta change all that
The people have had enough
Right now, it's them against us
This shit is ugly to the core
When it comes to the poor
No lives matter
This shit is ugly to the core
When it comes to the poor
No lives matter
This shit is ugly to the core
When it comes to the poor
No lives matter