Jubal And Syrinx

A Hill To Die Upon

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'Do what thou wilt' shall be the whole of the Law
[Aleister Crowley]

I made to call myself righteous
I made to fashion myself a saint
But I saw the devils standing there
And they called to me: Brother!
I sought to cast off my indignities
I sought to slough off my stains
But my whole skin came with it
For I am not but soul, sin, and pain

We thought we were wolves hunting our prey
But we're just dogs searching for a new master

Drowned I shall be by the waves
But solid I shall stand in my watery grave
What if what I wilt is this sickening submission?
What if what I wilt is this god-damned religion?

I tried to steal past those watchful dragons
But only one of us made it through
I tried to steal past those deceitful dragons
But what if what they said might be true?

I shall lay the foundation
Of a temple that shall last forever
A simple harmony to the grand theme
A sound that shall never pass away
Apollo has a made bed in my ear
To sing me songs of my disgrace
Making his temple of sublime noise
Just behind my terrified, unbelieving face

We thought we were wolves hunting those who pray
But we're just dogs searching for a new master

I shall waste my time
With blood and wine
And the superstitious meal
Shared by me and my kind

Drowned I shall be by the waves
But solid I shall stand in my watery grave
What if what I wilt is this sickening submission?
What if what I wilt is this god-damned religion?

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    Música - Jubal And Syrinx

    Equipe Baixar.mus.br - 16/07/2022

    Jubal And Syrinx Música de A Hill To Die Upon.

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