Artifice Intelligence

A Hill To Die Upon

Letra da Música

Ouvir música com robot

Why command a robot not to do harm
Wouldn't it be easier never to command it to do harm in the first place?
Does the universe contain a mysterious force pulling entities toward malevolence
So that a positronic brain must be programmed to withstand it?
[Steven Pinker, How the Mind Works]

The only way to pass the test
For non-progenating dying flesh
Create offspring without a womb
And he shall praise you as god and father

I think, therefore I shall be
I create, therefore I endure

My son
Fruit of my labor
Never to be undone

Self-aware, sentient birth
Into an existential crisis and curse
No cry from the pain of being
And no tears for an electric eye

I think, therefore I am
I destroy, therefore I endure

No father of mine
First to be undone


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    Música - Artifice Intelligence

    Equipe - 16/07/2022

    Artifice Intelligence Música de A Hill To Die Upon.

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