As I am the sea, and I am the night I am the soil that absorbs the lightI am withoutI can feel the weight. I can breathe the mist As I am the ashes left of your kissI am aloneOf the oceans deep, and the waters stark I am the hungry sky that hangs darkAnd I have no endWaking here, drawing near I am at once with the night as I roam Falling here, drawing near I am at once with the sea and I roamAs I am the lamb, and I am the sheep I am the sullen sparrow that weepsFor his keepAs I can walk the earth, and I can sail the sky I feel the heights and depths as she criesSo hear my wordsWaking here, drawing near I am at once with the night as I roam Falling here, drawing near I am at once with the sea and I roam, untold (Prepare for this) A ceaseless mystery yet unfolds for all Threshed of the barren hold Hopes torn asunder cold Distilled of a mastery and all we call our own Threshed of the barren hold Hopes torn asunder cold Distilled of a mastery and all we call our ownWaking here, drawing near I am at once with the night as I roam Falling here, drawing near I am at once with the sea and I roam