
Us The Duo

Letra da Música

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Memories are the only thing I have left
Wish I could have told you everything before you left
I haven't eaten, I haven't slept
I haven't smiled, I've only wept
I'm replaying every single word you said

Am I really dreaming?
Are you really gone?
Are you really gone?
Am I done believing
Or is hope forever gone?
My mind is moving on

Fantasies are the only thing I can't shake
Think about all the memories we could have made
Fast is gone and I'm still here
Wondering if you'll reappear
I'm replaying every song we've ever sung

Am I really dreaming?
Are you really gone?
Are you really gone?
Am I done believing
Or is hope forever gone?
My mind is moving on

You always smiled and kept me safe
You held my hand and led the way
You found the beauty in the pain
Now you're gone, now you're gone
Cannot hide the joy in life
You left behind for me to find
So I will sing this song aloud
I'll make you proud, I'll make you proud

Am I really dreaming?
I know you're really gone
It's time to move on
I'll never stop believing
That I'll see you again
I'll miss you until then
Saudade, saudade


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    Música - Saudade

    Equipe - 16/07/2022

    Saudade Música de Us The Duo.

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