
Teenage Bottlerocket (ou TBR) é uma banda de punk rock de Wyoming (EUA) formada em 2001.
Suas músicas são de total influência de Ramones, The Lillingtons (outra banda do guitarrista Kody), Screeching Weasel e Groovie Ghoulies.
Formada por: Ray Carlisle, Brandon Carlisle, Kody Templeman e Miguel Chen.
Ex-membros: Zach Doe e Joel Pattinson
* Another Way (2003)
* Total (2005)
* Live in '06 (2008, live album)
* Warning Device (2008)
* They Came From Shadows (2009)
* A-Bomb (2002)
* Teenage Bottlerocket/Prototipes (2006, split com Prototipes)
* Why I Let You Go Away (2005, split com Bill the Welder)
* Broadway Calls/Teenage Bottlerocket (2008, split com Broadway Calls)
* Under the Influence, Volume 4 (2008, split com The Ergs!)
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