He cut me loose from the chains of sin I am no longer its slave He rescued me from the enemy And from the pow'r of the graveYes, God showed His wondrous love When He paid the greatest price The blood of His only Son Was the ransom for my lifeGod is, God is my Redeemer He's the One who freed me Payin' for my sin God is, God is my Redeemer My life belongs to Him I belong to HimThe cross has purchased my righteousness And given me liberty Now I can draw near the throne of God As part of His familyYes, God showed His wondrous love When He paid the greatest price The blood of His only Son Was the ransom for my lifeGod is, God is my Redeemer He's the One who freed me Payin' for my sin Oh, God is, God is my Redeemer My life belongs to HimOh, God is, God is my Redeemer He's the One who freed me Payin' for my sin Oh, God is, God is my Redeemer My life belongs to Him Oh, my life belongs to Him My life belongs to Him