Lindy Conant


foto de Lindy Conant
From YWAM Kona, Lindy was launched to be a missionary to the United States. She, along with YWAM missionaries Andy Byrd and Brian Brennt, formed the Circuit Riders, a missions ministry focused on leading a generation to Christ. Their pioneering years began on the college campuses of America. Hundreds of campuses are reached each year through the music of Lindy Conant and the Circuit Riders. 7 bands comprised of more than 60 musicians tour the United States each year, playing songs written by Lindy Conant and other members of the Circuit Riders. The result? Hundreds of salvations and countless lives forever impacted by the gospel. “We love music and we love what we get to do, but we’re most excited about people finding God for the first time. That’s our sweet spot!”

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