The first time i met youi knew that i was gonna fallyou took me you shook meyou put me higher on the wall
But i love it you're my favoritewon't change it for anything at alli can't do i won't do won't undoanything at all 'bout you
Your walk and your look andyour smile and little things you dopromises of kisses you wish isnever to be blue
Oh i love it you're my favoriteit don't get better than with youi can't be don't wanna bei can't see anybody else but you
There are no attractionsthat compare with yougreat satisfactionof being near youain't anything at allain't anything at allain't anything at all like youno there's nothing there at allnothing there at allnothing there at all like you
Yeah the little things you doyeah everybody crazy crazy 'bout you
Thee can't be there won't behow could there be anybody like youi love it you're my favoriteand i won't let anybody in but youdon't need no will powerto be true to youthere's no one can think ofcould place above younot anyone at allnot anyone at allnot anyone at all but youno not anyone at allnot anyone at allnot anyone at all like you
I love it you're my favoriteand it don't get better than with youi can't see i can't bewith anybody else but youi love it you're my favoritewon't change it for anything at alli can't do i won't dowon't undo anything at all about you