
The Rock'n 'Roll, now almost a 50 years old youth culture, has got an unknown vitality. But to keep this style of music high, needs the outlet form unrestrained energy and fun to be rejuvenated once in a while. We most not forget that this is all about one thing: The teenage kicks. Nothing more and nothing less. That boost will you get by Nothing Less, the complete album from Krezip after the CDemo 'Run around' in 1999 which they released and own by themselves.
With the fast improving live reputation of Krezip, could a studio-album be quite a risky undertaking. Fans of the punkt popband - or otherwise: the poopy punkband?- or otherwisepoppy punkband?- hold one's breath and be curious if Krezip will hold the same energy and enthusiasm as they had on stage when they are back in the studio. They aren't tamed yet, are they? Don't worry, Nothing less is one of the best at this moment. Not surprising because producer Oscar Holleman (Heideroosjes) helped them a lot.
Nothing Less
The most talented of Krezip id Jacqueline Goveart. To make the end of the album a bit diversified, she wrote onother three songs in the last month before the went to the studio for recording. And really good songs as well. Namely, the first jittery single, 'Won't cry' and the ballads 'Everything and More' and 'Fine' which are the most touching songs. "I start to write songs when I was twelve years old. The songs are perfectly in the atmosphere of our preformance. But an album is so complete different than a preformance. To add something to the songs is much more important. All the songs are their own songs and all of them has been written by Jacqueline. "My songs about the things that had happened to me. It are songs for somebody or about things which are bothering me. It's wonderful if my songs have got a meaning for other people. It's not that I have got a message to the rest of the world or try to improve the world. The title of the album 'Nothing Less is a little quetation of the song 'Why do I' This is about that Krezip is giving everything. Really everthing. " We worked enormously hard and after that we had our school as well. We aren't doing this for nothing." as she explains.
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