Gui Hargreaves


foto de Gui Hargreaves
Gui Hargreaves was traveling around the world in 2016, playing gigs in jazz clubs, cafés and other intimate small venues, making the most with his voice and guitar solo acts; from Italy to England and all the way across to the USA (coast to coast), when he discovered his songwriting to communicate internationally, musically, even poetically, independently on the language. Singer-songwriter and poet from Minas Gerais State in Brazil, his first work to come out was a book of poems, in 2014 (Diminuto). Then, later on, he recorded ‘Braseiro’ as an exercise of what he was performing and experimenting at the time. Volta’ was the result of being constantly out there on the road. Gui Hargreaves met the production team, and fellow performing musicians while playing in London. The result is the bright picture of chance and affection meeting through music. His most recent release is a full-length album entitled Rebento. Recorded in Belo Horizonte in 2018, all of its instrumentation was arranged and performed only by Gui and Leo Marques (producer/engineer). Even though Rebento doesn’t care about answers, you can feel that these 12 songs work like a manual of softness in our times, which may seem bitter. Gui is ever in search of new ways to tell stories through music, changing his soundscapes from work to work, aiming to create new roads and landscapes, always connecting the narratives through songwriting. Find out more about Gui Hargreaves @guihargreaves

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