Yours To Keep

Blue Hawaii

Letra da Música

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Lay down with me
Know I am yours to keep
I lost so hard I weep
Felt like it’s over my head
Can’t say I like this
Stay, this’ what you want
Make them go down south
Staying is a choice
Moving to the south

Old now, left me
Old now, left me
Here I am... The ring is underground
And I can feel it all around
I know, you’re so...
Then I can feel it in my head
It’s all takes longer once again
I know it’s so... Like this
Saying is a choice to keep
It’s open to mind now, to keep
Saying is a choices, yours to keep
Snakes inside the mouth, yours to keep
Staying you’ll just give up, yours to keep, give up
Women, women love them, yours to keep, love them
Feelings falling, yours to keep
Saying you’ll just give up, give up
Love me, love me...
Please don’t, please don’t, give up,
Yours to keep, yours to keep
All done, all done, all done.

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    Música - Yours To Keep

    Equipe - 16/07/2022

    Yours To Keep Música de Blue Hawaii.

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