Plastic Plant

Thee Oh Sees

Letra da Música

Ouvir música com robot

Propped up in a morbid torpor
Lifeless eyes locked in a spell
Choke on all the thoughts
That float by
Filling up the empty shell

You, lame pilot at the screen yeah
Face aghast, electric glow
You're half gone, you can't deny it
But I think that you don't know

Ah ghoulish information hoarding
Stinking brew that overflows
Fingers tapping at the glass yeah
Burning spear beneath your nose

Drooling saturated human
Tick tock clock of life away
In the corner, in the window
But I think that you don't know

Tear the clone apart this instant
Break the chain to anchor true
Lift your eyes up from the dirt yeah
The new way is just killing you

You, lame pilot at the screen yeah
Face aghast, electric glow
You're half gone, you can't deny it
But I think that you don't know

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    Música - Plastic Plant

    Equipe - 16/07/2022

    Plastic Plant Música de Thee Oh Sees.

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