Guy Who Got A Headache And Accidentally Saves The World

The Flaming Lips

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Magnified up close, in pickle jar
Is the last hope the world has... Yeah ... Yeah

Thinkin that his head surely would explode
His thoughts go deeper than ever... yeah... yeah

Something never dreamed in all the science books
The biggest light switch gets turned on yeah.. yeah

And he's on the way to a real first in all the universe yeah.. yeah
He saves the day and the world knows, the sonic boom explodes

Hesitant to tell the real reason, the Nobel Prize is given-Yeah-
It's hard to celebrate with a headache Oh Yeah... Yeah

And he's on the way to the real first in all the universe Yeah... Yeah
And he saves the day and the world knows. Now watch his head explode

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    Música - Guy Who Got A Headache And Accidentally Saves The World

    Equipe - 16/07/2022

    Guy Who Got A Headache And Accidentally Saves The World Música de The Flaming Lips.

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