Letra da Música

Ouvir música com robot

run for your life
run from your life
live every second
every moment
driven by fear
it leaves you - hopeless
in your heart - faithless
and you're left - clueless
it robs you blind
never knowing what comes next
it eats you alive
no purpose in your life
what is had is now lost
in hopes - that its not all in fear
run for your life
run from your life
this uncertainty is certainly insanity
run for your life
run from your life
live every second
every moment
driven by fear
you've been running this whole time
and you'll run for the rest of your life
it leaves you - hopeless
in your heart - faithless
and you're left - clueless
fear robs you blind

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    4.2 de 5 estrelas

    Música - Fear

    Equipe Baixar.mus.br - 16/07/2022

    Fear Música de Seventh Star.

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