

Letra da Música

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I never know if what I'm doing is good enough for you
You say I'm stubborn but I'm adamant I'm not, I can take advice
I never know if what I say will make you want to stay
I'm constantly looking for you to let me know I've made the right choice

I need validation
I need validation
I need validation
I need validation

I never seem to be content with my own opinion
I need to be on the winning team
I'm vacantly accepting of what people tell me
I'm constantly looking for you to let me know I've made the right choice

I need validation
I need validation
I need validation
I need validation

I am dependent on your approval
I've been seduced by compliments
I can't get in her eyes
From the present
Always looking back
Always feel attacked
Never (?) with your voice
I am dependent on your approval
Always rejoiced with compliments

Always looking for, always looking for
Always looking for, always looking for
Always looking for, always looking for
Always looking for your approval
Always looking for, always looking for
Always looking for your approval
Always looking for, always looking for
Always looking for your approval
Always looking for, always looking for
Always looking for your approval

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    Música - Validation

    Equipe - 16/07/2022

    Validation Música de Candy.

    Se você encontrou alguma informação errada, por favor fale agora mesmo com a gente!


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