Red Death

Brann Dailor

Letra da Música

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When they took you away
I felt like I should dig in
Make sure this never happens
So I will use my speed
And I will use my hands
I will use this anger
Inside of me

Red breaks down
Nothing changes
Red breaks down
It’s all in me

Flesh is ripped from bone
As I race destruction
I will never leave
Revenge is not so sweet
Flashes of him come from within
Smothered and strangles the skies
Never to be heard again

Red breaks down
Nothing changes
Red breaks down
It’s all in me

The faster that I fly
The faster I will break
The burning side of me is showing on my face
It doesn’t seem to matter
What’s this state of decay
Frustration’s setting in can make it all go away
Signals night and day
Always in my view

As I wander alone
Through this desolation
I see reflections in puddles of gasoline and fire
As I stare in this pool
Deep into the abyss
I hear the distant voice of another living soul

Red breaks down
Nothing changes
Red breaks down
It’s all in me
Red breaks down
Nothing changes
Red breaks down
It’s all in me

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  1. Red Death

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    Música - Red Death

    Equipe - 16/07/2022

    Red Death Música de Brann Dailor.

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