King Of Cups

Æther Realm

Letra da Música

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I came upon an old man in a forest
Living deep in a hole in the ground
He filled a cup and he gave it to me
Drink it down, drink it down, drink it down

Seven days since I had that potion
Seven days since I drunk his brew
I feel a thirst and it's getting stronger now

(Christopher bowes)
So long I have dwelled in the darkness
Perfecting a mystic brew
From afar come the bravest drinkers
For a taste of this deadly juice

Seven years it has been fermenting
Seven years in an oaken cask
Now it's time; the drink is ready
This booze will kick your ass

One drink just to dull the senses
Two more just to calm the nerves
Another round for the brave among you
It's really nothing more than you deserve

One drink and you'll feel the magic
Two drinks and you'll beg for more
Three drinks and your world is spinning
One last drink and you'll hit the floor

Last call and my glass is empty
I don't have a lot to lose
We gotta keep this party going
I gotta have that booze

I've got a recipe, it's of my own design
So take a chance with me
And pretty soon you'll find
It's better than wine

Tequila gin and mead, the taste that I most need
That wicked potion maker's brew
A whiskey and a beer, stir till the drink is clear
Just take a breath before you chug

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    Música - King Of Cups

    Equipe - 16/07/2022

    King Of Cups Música de Æther Realm.

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